Saturday, June 16, 2012

I have seen the sunrise and the best moments last forever.

There is really no point in pretending like life is a pretty little flower and all it does is bloom all day long. I've watched so many people I care about leave me in this world. There is really no hope in pretending that everything will be perfect but we've got to carry on.

I miss the days when the sun would shine and we would stay out until the lights came on in the street. I miss the days when the strangers all around us were people that we trusted right at first glance. In this world we learn there are reason we must be cautious.

I guess sometimes we get jaded we have all we ever wanted until we find other things that we don't have anymore to wish for. I can look at my life and say I have everything I can remember searching for from Cars to money to girls but still I find myself wishing for things I don't have. It's sad to see what I've become on a materialistic level but I'm not alone in this journey.

I have found the key to happiness but I seem to misplace is from time to time. I frolic near the border of happiness and depression. I ponder thoughts that consume who I am and who I once was. I've met people who strive for perfection and people who think they've achieved it.

I am just a cloud, I am growing darker but all I see is future rainbows and reasons for children laughter. I have seen the sunrise and the best moments last forever. - Chad G Henning

Friday, June 15, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

How to find out who views my profile on facebook

How to find out who views your profile on facebook finding out who views your profile

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My new goal

As I fall into this place of life and lost cause I feel myself falling further from the dream that I once had. I truly thought that I would be able to do something special but as time passes I realize that I am not special I am average perhaps worse. I was always brought up knowing I was the best at everything until everything I was good at become irrelevant. In the next month I will turn 26 a number that feels so distant from who I am and how I feel I am capable of acting. I can only feel so old given what I've accomplished I've broken every hope any has ever held for me. The only person that I have not let down is my mother who seems to live in this delusional place where she tells all her friends I am a success. She pretends that I am something I am not but maybe I started that being as I tried for so long to be someone I wasn't. I used to "fake it til I make it" until I watched my mistakes drag the people I cared about through the mud. The actions I have taken have put my family through a financial nightmare over the past 3 years... That's 3 years of life over something that took me 8 weeks to let happen. I have been more selfish than I can even explain and I deserve what I get. Even now I have things that I do not deserve, The car that I have is financed by my family and given to me... I am no prince yet I've been handed everything for so long I've never known how to earn anything. I'm hoping to become someone who can actually handle the troubles of hard work. I would really like to focus on paying back the people who I've let down over the next year. That will be my new goal.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Trains in the moonlight

Whenever I stand committed to the place where the world is at ease I just make a silly little song and walk to the beat. I come and I go I watch and I suffer the people I know they are better with whoever I am evil I cannot change ever since the days it rained but now I'm alone forever hiding and I can't be whoever I used to be. I've watched the days go passing by like a train in the moon light light light I can't be who you need me to be so I say you are better off without me.